PDP shares updated pensions dashboards data standards

The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) has published the updated data standards for pensions dashboards, as the industry continues to prepare for connection to the dashboards ecosystem.

The standards, covering the data requirements for finding and viewing pensions information, are mandatory for pension providers and schemes to connect to the ecosystem.

They are expected to help providers and schemes, and third-party organisations connecting on their behalf, to build a common set of message handling tools to receive and reply with data.

The latest update is in line with PDP’s previous commitment to share the data standards to coincide with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) connection timeline in guidance, which was shared in March.

The standards were shaped through industry engagement, as the PDP previously consulted on and published a draft version of data standards in 2022, with further engagement also held on the latest draft in 2023.

The data standards are one of a number of mandatory standards set by the Money and Pensions Service, through PDP, to help facilitate ongoing connection to the dashboards ecosystem.

The other standards being refined, which includes technical, reporting and design standards, as well as a code of connection, made up of security, service and operational standards, are set to be published once they have been tested and validated with volunteer participants who are building a direct route to connection.

All standards are also subject to final approval by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions.

PDP principal, Chris Curry, highlighted the publication of the data standards as "the latest sign of forward momentum on delivering pensions dashboards".

He continued: “It was important that we delivered data standards to coincide with the connection timeline in guidance published by DWP.

“Our iterative approach not only allowed us to refine these standards with our volunteer participants and others, but also ensured that we met our commitment, publishing 12 months ahead of wider industry starting to connect.

“Thanks to all those who’ve helped shape data standards, across industry, government and the regulators. We’re looking forward to working together on refining the remaining standards as we prepare for connection in 2025.”

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