The Pension Protection Fund (PPF) has updated its sustainability strategy key performance indicators (KPIs) for 2024/25, confirming that it will publish the reductions achieved in its environmental footprint by 31 March 2025.
In addition to this, the PPF confirmed that it plans to outline its path to alignment for transition using the guidance from the HM Treasury Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) for Asset Owners.
As the PPF has already achieved net zero for scope 1 and 2 emissions arising from fossil fuel use, it confirmed that its focus going forward will be on achieving net zero in its scope 3 operational supply chain and travel emissions.
However, scope 3 financed emissions from its investments will be considered separately.
The lifeboat also clarified that its ability to achieve this ambition depends on its level of control and influence with its stakeholders, acknowledging that it has more control over direct emissions than indirect.
"For example, we need our suppliers and portfolio companies to reduce their own emissions or otherwise contribute to the global transition to net zero if we want to reduce our emissions from our supply chain and our investments," the PPF stated.
In addition to climate KPIs, the PPF announced that it is working to increase its representation across all under-represented groups, in order to show the industries its recruit from that change in this area is achievable.
The PPF will also work to maintain its number of volunteering hours, in an effort to recognise the importance of how it can help shape the industry and give back to its local community.
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