Pensions Age Awards 2021 now open for entries

The Pensions Age Awards 2021 is now open to entries for all UK pension schemes or provider firms serving in the UK.

The awards, which are now in their eighth year, aim to reward both the pension schemes and providers across the UK that have proved themselves worthy of recognition during increasingly challenging times.

Categories to enter range from DC Pension Scheme of the Year, Pensions Provider of the Year to Pensions Law Firm of the Year and LDI Manager of the year, as well as many more. The awards also honour the Personality of the Year, as voted for by our readers.

This year we also have two new categories: Pensions Marketing Campaign of the Year and the Pensions Age Thought-Leadership Award.

All winners will be announced at the Pensions Age Gala Dinner and Ceremony on Thursday 29 April at the London Marriott Hotel, Grosvenor Square. The event sold out in 2020, so early booking is advised.

The awards are free to enter and the deadline for entries is 7 January 2021. If you wish to enter, please fill in the entry form here.

View the Pensions Age Awards 2020 highlights video to find out more here, or if you have any questions, please contact the Pensions Age Awards team here.

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