Pensions Age Northern Conference 2024 opens for registration

The Pensions Age Northern Conference 2024 is now open for registration, offering pension funds and those working in the industry the opportunity to learn and network alongside their peers.

Pensions Age is delighted to be returning to Leeds for the annual conference, to be held on 26 June 2024 at Park Plaza Leeds.

With the pensions industry having to work harder than ever to keep up with regulations while ensuring members receive the best possible outcomes, the conference will give delegates the opportunity to hear from those working at the heart of UK pension provision.

The one-day conference, which is aimed at pension managers, trustees, FDs, CIOs, advisers and all those working in the pensions sector, will offer delegates the chance to hear from industry experts on topics across the defined benefit and defined contribution space.

The event will be an opportunity to reflect on how well the industry has risen to the challenges thrown up over the eventful past six months, as well as a chance to learn from those pension funds and providers that adapted successfully in order to meet members’ needs, and showcase the products and strategies out there to assist pension funds to fully embrace the future in the best way possible.

Covering a range of aspects related to pensions, delegates can be sure that this conference will offer them the updates they need to manage their schemes going forward, and highlight new developments in the pension space, in relation to regulation, investment, scheme design, technology, communication and more.

To register for the event, please click here.

For the latest news and updates about the Pensions Age Northern Conference follow us on social media: @PensionsAge #PensionsAgeLeeds

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