Pensions Minister 'committed' to building on pension successes

Pensions Minister, Laura Trott, has said that she is “committed” to building on the work of her predecessor, Guy Opperman, including plans to increase uptake of pension credit and build further on auto-enrolment.

Speaking to Pensions Age, Trott said that she is “delighted to be Minister for Pensions,” highlighting the role as “one of the most important jobs in government; working to support our current pensioners and delivering for the record number of people across the country now saving for retirement”

Considering the work ahead, Trott said that she is committed to ensuring people have access to the support and guidance needed, including plans to boost the take-up of pension credit, following the news that the government will increase pension credit to support vulnerable pensioners.

Trott stated: “Automatic enrolment has completely transformed how people save – with staggering results.

“Alongside continuing to build on this success, I’m committed to ensuring people have access to the support and information they need to make informed choices about their savings – including with the introduction of pension dashboards and through our ongoing work on value for money with The Pensions Regulator and the Financial Conduct Authority."

“As well as committing to the biggest state pension increase in history from next April, the government is also boosting pension credit by 10.1 per cent to support the poorest pensioners.

"Building on the excellent efforts of my predecessor, I want to increase uptake of this vital support to make sure pension credit is reaching everyone who needs it.”

Trott, MP for Sevenoaks, was appointed as the new Minister for Pensions at the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) in November, following Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's reshuffle, which also saw Opperman return to the department as the new Minister of State for Employment.

Read more about the recent changes at the DWP and the key priorities that industry experts want to see the incoming Minister focus on in the latest digital edition of the Pensions Age magazine here.

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