Appeal hearing date set for 1950s women affected by SPA changes

Women born in the 1950s that were affected by state pension age changes and their communication will bring their case to the Court of Appeal (CoA) on 21 July 2020.

The CoA confirmed that the case, Delve & Anr v The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, will be heard in the summer.

Women affected by the changes and their communication are represented by the Backto60 and Women Against State Pension Inequality (Waspi) campaigns.

The campaign lodged its application with the High Court in October 2019, seeking to appeal the decision that ruled rises to the state pension age for women born in the 1950s were not discriminatory.

In the judicial review, the campaigners argued that the changes in state pension age for women born in the 1950s “unlawfully discriminated against them on the ground of age, sex, and age and sex combined”.

Speaking to the Tivy-Side Advertiser, Ceredigion Waspi member, Pamela Judge, said: “This is excellent news. The CoA was allowed twelve months to hear the case. 21st July is much earlier than we had feared.

“Let’s hope that the appeal goes in our favour. Nearly four million women in the UK are struggling without the pensions they paid into. Their plans for retirement were shattered.”

The movements have been campaigning on behalf of the 3.8 million women affected by the proposed increase of the state pension age for them to be paid in full the amount of pension they would have received if the state pension age had remained at 60.

The government initially set out a timetable to equalise women’s state pension age with men’s in the Pensions Act 1995. Then in the Pensions Act 2011 the government accelerated this increase so it would be complete by 2020.

However, some of the affected women saw a further increase when the government increased the state pension age for both genders to 66.

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