Independent Governance Group launches digital pensions platform

Independent Governance Group (IGG) has launched a new digital pensions platform, IGGiQ, designed to enhance pension scheme management.

The digital platform offers real-time insights for trustees and sponsors, encouraging more effective and better-informed dialogue with advisers and investment managers.

IGGiQ also provides an overview of key scheme metrics, with data sourced directly from a scheme’s holdings and enhanced by insights from partners, improving trustee decision-making and transparency.

The platform enables users to understand and examine the reasons behind changes in scheme funding levels.

It also provides financial risk analysis, maintains a historical record of scheme data and monitors ongoing performance against risks such as environmental, social and governance (ESG).

IGG partnered with Impact Cubed to create the first IGGiQ module, aimed at helping trustees and investment managers better understand and integrate ESG factors into their strategy.

This module is designed to enhance long-term outcomes for beneficiaries while ensuring transparency for stakeholders.

Commenting on the launch, IGG CEO, Andrew Bradshaw, said: “As the liability-driven investment crisis of 2022 demonstrated, trustees need to have real-time information at their fingertips in order to make informed decisions.

“IGGiQ is one of the first innovations within the pensions industry to provide schemes with such comprehensive detail.”

Bradshaw explained that IGG is “committed” to digitising the pensions industry to help improve governance and member outcomes.

Adding to this, IGG trustee director and head of funding solutions & analytics, Vikram Chatrath, said: “Our goal through the development of IGGiQ is to derive greater value by consolidating data centrally, eliminating gatekeeping, and enabling artificial intelligence-driven self-service for trustees and the schemes they oversee.

“This initiative marks the first in a series of developments aimed at enhancing transparency, which will improve decision-making and stakeholder engagement.”

Impact Cubed head of asset owner relations, Jennie Baruxakis, noted as the demand for sustainable investments grows amongst plan members, it’s “crucial” for schemes to have comprehensive and accessible insights.

“We're excited to contribute to this innovative platform, offering precise and actionable ESG data that goes beyond mere ratings," Baruxakis said.

"Our partnership with IGGiQ empowers schemes to make informed decisions, aligning investments with sustainability goals and enhancing overall transparency."

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