Isio completes acquisition of Deloitte UK's pensions advisory business

Isio has completed the acquisition of the UK pensions advisory business of Deloitte LLP, Deloitte Total Reward and Benefits Limited, following approval from the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

The acquisition, which was initially announced in January, will see 200 people join Isio’s existing team, as well as the addition of a new location in Belfast, where the existing team will be led by now Isio partner Mark McClintock.

The acquisition aims to strengthen Isio’s core pension advisory business, with the enlarged Isio Group estimated to have annual revenues of around £140m going forward.

Commenting on the news, Isio chief executive, Andrew Coles, stated: “This is an exciting new chapter for Isio.

"We are joined by an immensely talented team who will complement our existing skills and bolster our market disruptor position as a growing force in the pension advisory business.

“The completion of this acquisition enables us to properly welcome our new Isio colleagues and start leveraging our combined strengths to grow our business creating further opportunities for our clients and people.

“Isio has combined a strong financial performance with strategic execution since we launched in 2020, with backing from Exponent. With this acquisition and addition of our new Isio colleagues, we are now in a strong position to push on and challenge the status quo in pensions advisory.”

The deal marks the latest acquisition by Isio since it was established in 2020, following on from the acquisition of Premier Pensions in January 2022.

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