PDP confirms new advisory group appointments

The Pensions Dashboards Programme (PDP) has appointed eight new members to its advisory group, which provides insight to help shape the delivery of pensions dashboards.

Replacing the PDP’s steering group, the advisory group will provide input on a range of issues that are important for the success of the programme. The appointees will join the 10 existing members of the previous steering group.

The new members represent a range of organisations involved in the different stages of delivering dashboards, including pension providers and schemes, administrators and integrated service providers.

The new appointees are WTW senior consultant, Geraldine Brassett, Phoenix public affairs manager, Matt Burrell, Brightwell associate principal, David Cheetham, Heywood Pension Technologies chief strategy officer, Chris Connelly, National Police Chiefs Council police pension advisor, Claire Neale, FNZ Group retirement proposition lead, Graham Peacock, Equisoft product manager, David Poynton and Nest Corporation director of customer engagement, Mark Rowlands.

PDP principal, Chris Curry, commented: “I’m delighted to welcome the new members of the pensions dashboards advisory group. We had an outstanding group of applicants, and I believe they will make a vital contribution to the group.

“Dashboards will be a success if we continue to work collaboratively across industry, regulators and government. The advisory group has an important role to play in shaping dashboards that will boost savers’ engagement with their pensions.”

The appointments were made following an open recruitment process, with a PDP panel selecting the successful applicants.

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