Pension scams APPG shares 'font of all knowledge' resources page

The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on pension scams has published an industry resource page, which will be available to stakeholders to use as a “repository of helpful collateral”.

The page is to act as the “font of all knowledge” relating to pension scams, providing access to a range of support, such as tools, research and guidance.

Whilst the page is still a work in progress, some items, such as links to the Pension Scams Industry Group Code of Good Practice, are already included.

The APPG has also called on all stakeholders to share any further resources with the group so that they can be included and shared with others on the platform.

APPG chair, Bob Blackman, commented: “The pension scams problem remains a major public interest issue.

“The new APPG’s first initiative is to populate our new website’s Resources page with as much helpful collateral as possible, so that it can become something of a central repository for everything and anything that might help.

“We want it to help individuals that are considering transferring their pensions; those that have been scammed and are desperately looking for emotional support and practical guidance; pensions companies that want to share their insights and utilities; regulators that can use it as an additional communications channel; and so on.

“We are therefore calling for all stakeholders that might have something useful to get in touch with our Secretariat so we can consider adding whatever they have to the site.”

APPG member and Work and Pensions Committee chair, Stephen Timms, added: “The APPG’s new website has the potential to become a very useful resource so I warmly welcome this development.

“For example, there has been a great deal of interest in the select committee’s current inquiry on pension scams, with dozens of highly informative and useful written submissions, from a broad range of stakeholders.

“The new site will be able to signpost and link to all of that material.”

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