Standard Life Aberdeen completes name change to Abrdn

Standard Life Aberdeen has completed the change of its company name to Abrdn.

The move, initially announced in April, will also see the company ticker change from SLA to ABDN.

The firm stated that the name change was a ‘key milestone’ in its delivery of its new strategy to bring a “clarity of focus, renewed sense of purpose, drive for sustainable growth for shareholders, clients and colleagues”, and to simplify the business.

The rebrand transition will see Abrdn’s brands coming together under one single name, which it described as a ‘key enabler’ to drive future growth. 

Its strategy is supported by a simplified structure focus on three ‘core growth vectors’: investments, adviser and personal.

“I’m very excited to have reached this milestone,” commented Abrdn CEO, Stephen Bird.

“Abrdn is so much more than a new name, it’s about our business coming together under a single global brand with a determined focus on enabling our clients and customers to be better investors”.
Alongside the name change, Abrdn has announced a new charity partnership with Hello World, a digital education charity that aims to offer a practical, affordable and scalable solution to the global education deficit.

Abrdn has donated £1m to the charity, which will fund communities to build 64 new ‘Hello Hubs’ over two years, providing opportunities and education to approximately 80,000 children and adults in disconnected communities.

“Acting with courage and conviction, being optimistic about the future and building powerful partnerships are all important attributes of the brand we are creating,” Bird continued.

“That’s why I’m delighted that today we can also announce our partnership with Hello World – a charity that, like us, is solving the problems of today and tomorrow with innovative thinking, sustainable values and a futurist approach."

Hello World CEO and founder, Katrin McMillan, added: "We are delighted to be working with Abrdn. Our collaboration will have an enormous impact on the work we do and will immeasurably improve the lives of the communities we support. 

“To partner with a business and a team so closely aligned with our approach and values is an especial bonus.”

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