TPR appoints non-executive director

The Pensions Regulator (TPR) has announced the appointment of Alison Hatcher as a non-executive director.

She was appointed by the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, with effect from 1 August, following an open competition recruitment process. The appointment will run until May 2027.

Hatcher is also HSBC Retirement Service CEO, and previously worked as global head of pensions in the client strategy team.

As well as being one of the founders of Women in Pensions, Hatcher is on the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) Diversity Advisory Board, Efama Pensions Standing Committee, and a member of the investment sub-committee for Warwick University.

The vacancy became available after Sarah Smart, who had been a non-executive director on TPR's board, was appointed chair of the regulator in 2021.

Commenting on the appointment, Smart stated: “I warmly welcome Alison’s appointment. She brings a wealth of experience to our board in pensions, investment and diversity.

"Her contribution will be of particular value as we work to ensure TPR continues to put the saver at the heart of everything we do, while driving value for money in a fair and diverse pensions industry.”

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